Friday, April 29, 2005


Smirking for Britain

I seem to have been spending every spare moment working in Flash recently, with the result of another anim out and another on the way (not to mention actually getting some proper paying work done, which is nice). The latest is another political one, Smirk a little smirk, with music by Doghorse and lyrics by Miss Prism.

As an aside, I have been intrigued by the reaction to my last release, Camilla Queen. I expected a certain amount of vitriol from those who feel the monarchy is above reproach, but it has been rather lacking, with the exception of one rather illiterate response claiming "enuff is enuff". There has however been a number of people pointing out that the Brian May mouse, playing the kazoo, has the kazoo the wrong way round. It is this level of irrelevant pedantry that makes me love the net.

By the way, the mouse is playing the kazoo the only way he can, they have very small mouths. As you will know if you visit my site, I value realism very highly.

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